Why is it important to deworm dogs?
It's important to deworm your dog because it can be detrimental to their health, plus worms are something that we can also get from them.
Dr. Amanda German
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
What are some of the parasites found in dogs and how are they treated?
You can have hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and whipworms. Those are all found in dogs and we treat them differently depending on what they have.
How does intestinal parasites impact the health and well-being of my dog?
Intestinal parasites can cause your dog to have some vomiting, some diarrhea, it can make their bellies get big and round, it can make them feel really bad, it can cause some severe anemia, and if untreated it could even lead to death.
What are some signs and symptoms of intestinal parasites in my dog?
Vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, a big round belly especially in puppies. Those are wormy bellies, but things like that could be seen with worms.
Would I be able to see worms in my dog stool?
Normally you can't really see them, we usually see their eggs on a microscopic level.
How will a veterinarian diagnose intestinal parasites in my dog?
We usually like to get a little fecal sample, we ask you to bring in a poop sample for us to send out so that way we can see if there's anything in there.
Why is early detection and diagnosis of intestinal parasites in dogs so important?
Because when you're talking about intestinal worms, they're attaching to the GI intestinal system, so when you're talking about that they can disrupt things that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and they can make it where they're not getting the proper nutrition for growth and for just continuation. So you want to get that taken care of as soon as possible.
What is the difference between natural remedies or over-the-counter dewormers compared to prescription medications?
A lot of your over-the-counter medications tend to be a lot of your older ones. The prescription medications that we use tend to be a little bit more new, so you're going to have less resistance for those. Natural remedies I don't usually recommend because they're not very effective.
How do I choose the right dewormer for my dog?
Call and ask your veterinarian. That way we can make sure they're getting taken care of.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at clientservices@lochhavenvet.com. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram
Dog Deworming - FAQs 1
Dr. Amanda German
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
How is my dog tested for worms?
We test dogs for worms by using a fecal sample and we usually ask the pet owner to bring one in ahead of time.
What medication is used for deworming in dogs?
The medication used depends on the type of worm. Sometimes we'll use Pyrantel, sometimes Fenbendazole, sometimes Proziquantel. Depending on if they're resistant, there might be some other medications we have to use.
Can I deworm my dog at home?
We usually prefer to send home medication, so yes, you can deworm your dog at home but we typically use prescribed medications for you.
How often should my dog be dewormed?
It depends. If they're on a heartworm preventative, a lot of times they already have the medication on board but if we're seeing them as puppies or brand new dogs, a lot of times we do have to start the deworming process beforehand.
What happens when my dog is dewormed?
Most of the time, nothing noticeable occurs. You might see a little bit of diarrhea as the worms are dying off and you may see a few of them dead coming out but other than that, you shouldn't see any other issues.
Dog Deworming - FAQs 2
Dr. Amanda German
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
How might dogs get worms?
Typically, dogs get worms through fecal oral transmission. This means that they either step in feces and then lick their paw, or sometimes they eat other dog's poop. In some cases such as tapeworms, they get worms by eating a flea.
Are worms painful to my dog?
Worms aren't painful to the dog, but they can cause them to be a little bit more uncomfortable.
Are worms visible in my dog's stool, and if so, what do they look like?
Most of the time, worms are not visible in the stool. They're microscopic eggs that we have to see under a microscope. However, in some cases, such as tapeworms, they'll come out looking like little grains of rice that are moving around.
How common are worms in dogs?
Worms are very common in dogs. They're more common in puppies, but we do see them in dogs of any age.
How long can worms last inside my dog?
Worms can last for as long as your dog has them, so they can be in there for years.
What if my dog has worms and they go untreated?
Untreated worms can actually cause a dog to die. This is because it causes so much GI upset that the dog is not getting the proper nutrition.
Dog Deworming - FAQs 3
Dr. Amanda German
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
Can all intestinal parasites be prevented?
Yes, all intestinal parasites can be prevented.
How might my dog get intestinal parasites?
Dogs can get intestinal parasites through fecal-oral transmission, meaning that they ingest feces, or they can pick it up from licking their paws where they've walked through contaminated areas, or by eating fleas.
Can my indoor dog still get intestinal parasites?
Indeed, indoor dogs can still get intestinal parasites. We could potentially bring some of those eggs and that feces in off the street on our shoes.
What can I do to prevent tapeworms?
To prevent tapeworms, you need to prevent fleas. Make sure your dog is on a monthly flea medication.
Is there any medication to prevent my dog from getting intestinal parasites?
Yes, most of our heartworm preventatives actually contain dewormers. If you're administering a heartworm preventative every month, that helps keep your dog from getting intestinal worms.
How can I keep my dog from passing intestinal parasites on to other pets in the household?
Ensure you're picking up their stool every time they go to the bathroom. That way, other pets in the household do not come in contact with it.
Can any intestinal parasites be passed from a dog to a person?
Yes, most of them. Roundworms, hookworms, both of those can actually be something that we can get. So you want to make sure to keep your dog dewormed.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at clientservices@lochhavenvet.com. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram