How does my dog get fleas and ticks?
Dogs can get fleas and ticks from your yard, the park, or from contact with other dogs that are infected with fleas.
Dr. Kalah St. Pierre
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
Can fleas and ticks spread from my dog to my home and family?
Yes, they certainly can. Fleas and ticks will spread into your home and can even survive in spaces where you're resting. Fleas can lay eggs that live in the environment for up to a few months and can reinfect your pet and your home.
Can my dog get fleas and ticks if they are primarily indoor dogs?
Yes, indoor dogs can get fleas and ticks. These pests can be tracked in on our shoes and clothing. Also, your pet likely goes outside to use the bathroom and steps into the grass, which is likely where they're picking them up.
What health problems can fleas and ticks cause my dog?
Fleas and ticks can cause itchiness, skin infections, irritations, and allergies in dogs.
How effective are flea and tick medications?
The effectiveness of these medications varies. It's recommended to talk to your vet for the best products on the market. Many over-the-counter products don't work very well for fleas and ticks.
What is the difference between over-the-counter and prescription flea and tick medications?
The difference lies in the type of medication used in the product. Often, the prescription product works much better than the over-the-counter product.
What different types of flea and tick preventative treatments are there?
The type of treatment depends on the dog and their preferences. There are topical liquids that you can apply on the back of your pet's neck.
What will my veterinarian recommend for flea and tick treatment?
There are various treatments available. There are products that you apply or give to your pet once a month. There are also long-term products that you give every two or three months.
How can I identify fleas and ticks on my dog?
Your pet will likely be very itchy. You may also see the pests crawling around on your pet and sometimes the fleas will leave behind little specks of black debris within your pet's fur.
What should I do if I see fleas and ticks on my dog?
I would recommend speaking to your veterinarian about appropriate products. Sometimes a regular bath will help at least clean up their fur, but a specific flea product is needed.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram
Dog Flea & Tick - FAQs 1
Dr. Kalah St. Pierre
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
What diseases are associated with fleas and ticks?
There are a few diseases associated with fleas and ticks in dogs and they can range anywhere from skin issues such as itchiness or lesions and rashes, to intestinal parasites or infections that live in the blood.
Where would my dog get fleas and ticks?
Your dog can pick up fleas and ticks from the environment around your home, the park or from coming in contact with other dogs that have fleas.
Are short-haired dogs more susceptible than long-haired dogs?
Not necessarily. Dogs of all types of coats can catch fleas from the environment or other dogs.
Can dogs still get fleas and ticks in the winter?
Yes, it depends on where you live and if the fleas or the flea eggs are still active and in the environment.
What factors can increase my dog's risk of getting fleas and ticks?
Exposure to the environment where the fleas are, or exposure to a lot of dogs, contact with other dogs that have fleas can increase the risk.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram
Dog Flea & Tick - FAQs 2
Dr. Kalah St. Pierre
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
What diseases are associated with fleas and ticks?
There are a few diseases associated with fleas and ticks. These include rashes or itchiness of the skin, intestinal parasites, or pathogens that live in the blood.
If my dog is diagnosed with fleas and ticks, what is the best treatment?
Your veterinarian can provide the best advice on this as there are several ways to treat fleas and ticks. These range from oral tablets to topical solutions that you apply to the skin.
What is the flea life cycle and why is it important?
The flea life cycle ranges from the egg stage to larva and adult fleas. It's important to treat all stages of the flea life cycle to get rid of them completely.
Are flea and tick treatments painful?
No, treatment for fleas and ticks is not painful.
What are the risks of treatments?
The main risk of treatment is if your pet likes the taste of it. Some oral tablets can upset your pet's stomach, but most dogs do just fine.
Are there natural or over-the-counter treatments for flea and ticks?
Yes, there are some natural and over-the-counter products available. However, oftentimes prescription medications are required to get rid of fleas and ticks effectively.
And how do we get rid of fleas and ticks in our home?
Regular vacuuming of carpets and hard floors, including under furniture, is very important. Washing all the beds and blankets your pets use is also recommended. Overall, maintaining good cleanliness in your home will help get rid of fleas.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram
Dog Flea & Tick - FAQs 3
Dr. Kalah St. Pierre
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
What are fleas and ticks?
Fleas and ticks are parasites that live on the skin and they come from the environment around us.
What do fleas and ticks look like?
Fleas look like tiny little black bugs. Ticks are a bit larger, sometimes have more of a gray color and can be about the size of a pea.
Where do fleas and ticks live and how does my dog get them?
Fleas and ticks live in the environment around us in grassy, sandy, and wooded areas. Our pets can pick them up by walking into these areas. We can also pick them up on our shoes from also walking in those areas and bring them into our house.
Can fleas and ticks affect other pets or people?
Yes, fleas primarily stay on the dogs and cats in our homes, but they can live in the environments around us. Ticks live in the environment such as wooded areas but are not necessarily species specific. They can get on people, too.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram
Dog Flea & Tick - FAQs 4
Dr. Kalah St. Pierre
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
How do veterinarians find ticks on dogs?
Tick can be spotted almost anywhere on the dog's skin. They often prefer to hide in areas such as between the toes, in the neck, under the collar, or under the ear flaps.
Is there a test to diagnose tick-borne diseases?
Yes, in order to diagnose tick-borne diseases, it is necessary to perform a blood test.
What can I look for if I suspect my dog has ticks?
Look out for any abnormal behavior in your pet, such as lethargy, discomfort, difficulty walking or jumping up. Ticks can sometimes cause joint pain. Keep a close eye on your dog's skin as you might also spot the ticks attached.
What do tick bites look like?
Tick bites may appear as a small red spot on the skin, or they might develop into a larger, raised red welt or bump.
Can my dog still have ticks if there are no signs of them?
Yes, it might take days, weeks, or even months to see signs of a tick-borne illness. Therefore, your pet could be infected with a tick-borne disease without showing any signs.
If one pet in the household has ticks, will the others get bitten?
It's not a certainty, but it's definitely possible. Therefore, it's important to check all your pets in the house, including yourselves.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram
Dog Flea & Tick - FAQs 5
Dr. Kalah St. Pierre
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
How do vets find fleas on dogs?
Often, you can see fleas walking around on the skin between the fur. Sometimes, fleas leave behind their stool, which is actually dry blood from your dogs, and they look like little black spots in the fur.
Is a test necessary to diagnose fleas?
No, there is really no test necessary. Just giving a good look over between the fur on your pet will give you a good idea if they have fleas or not.
What can I look for if I suspect my dog has fleas?
You may see the fleas walking around on the skin. Oftentimes near the tail base or on the belly, you can see them crawling around. If you see those little black specks in the fur, that's a good indication that fleas have been there.
How can I tell the difference between flea dirt and regular dirt?
Flea dirt is the poop of the fleas and it's actually dried blood from what they're eating on your pet. You can actually put some of the black specks on a white paper towel, cover them in water or some rubbing alcohol, and those little black specks will bleed. That tells you that it is flea poop.
What do flea bites look like?
Flea bites may look like little red spots on your pet, but it's often really difficult to see between the fur on your pet.
Can my dog still have fleas if there are no signs of them?
Sure, dogs are pretty good about grooming themselves and will actually eat the fleas if they're grooming. So, take a look all over your pet for other signs of fleas being present such as flea dirt.
If one pet in the household has fleas, does the other ones get it?
Most likely, the other pets in the home will get fleas if one pet has them.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram
Dog Flea & Tick - FAQs 6
Dr. Kalah St. Pierre
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
How can I keep my dog from getting fleas and ticks?
Monthly flea and tick prevention is the most beneficial way of preventing fleas and ticks.
What are the different types of flea and tick preventions?
There are oral options or topical options that you put on your dog's skin.
How do I know what is the best prevention for my dog?
Talking to your veterinarian is the best choice in deciding which product to use for your pet.
Is flea prevention needed year-round?
It depends on where you live, but in most places, we do recommend keeping up with flea prevention year-round.
How do I control fleas and ticks in my dog's environment?
It's really helpful to frequently wash bedding, carpets, and vacuuming frequently in common areas in your home.
Are there vaccines for flea and tick-borne diseases?
Not for fleas, but for ticks there is a vaccine for Lyme disease.
Will fleas and ticks resolve on their own?
It is possible, but unlikely because of the life cycle of the flea. Because they produce eggs, the eggs end up in the environment, hatch, and re-infect your pet commonly.
Are there home remedies to prevent fleas and ticks?
There may be some that exist, but prescription products work best.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram