How common are allergies in dogs?
Allergies are very common in dogs. In fact, probably 70 to 80% of our clientele have dogs with allergies.
Dr. Amanda German
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
What are some common dog allergies?
Dogs could be allergic to certain foods, but a lot of times it's more environmental than anything else. These environmental allergens could be human dander, cat dander, dust mites, grass pollens or tree pollens, essentially just about anything.
What are some signs and symptoms of allergies in dogs?
Sometimes dogs with allergies will exhibit symptoms similar to humans, like sneezing, coughing, and runny eyes. You could also notice a lot of licking and scratching, such as chewing at their paws or licking at their skin.
How do allergies impact the health and well-being of my dog?
When dogs have allergies and they're scratching and chewing at their skin, they're opening that skin up and this can lead to secondary infections, significantly affecting their health.
Can I diagnose my dog's allergies at home?
While it's possible to identify potential allergies at home, it's much safer to seek a veterinary recommendation.
How will a veterinarian diagnose allergies in my dog?
A veterinarian will look at all the symptoms presented by the dog and make a diagnosis based on these. If allergies are suspected, the dog may be put on medications or even referred to a dermatologist.
How are dogs' allergies treated using anti-inflammatory therapy?
Often, an antihistamine is used to decrease the allergic reactions. In some cases, medications like prednisone may be used. The exact treatment depends on the severity of the allergies.
How is shampoo therapy used for dogs' allergies?
Shampoo therapy involves using special shampoos that help soothe the dog's skin. These shampoos contain ceramides that replenish the skin, which gets damaged from the dog's scratching due to the allergies.
What is hyposensitization or desensitization therapy for dog allergies?
Hyposensitization or desensitization therapy, usually administered by a dermatologist, helps the dog get used to the allergens causing the allergic reactions.
Dog Allergies - FAQs 1
Dr. Amanda German
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
How can you tell if my dog has allergies?
A lot of times we're going to be looking at the skin, so we may do a skin cytology or a skin scrape. We're also going to be doing a full physical exam to see if we see any issues that may be caused by allergies.
How common are allergies in dogs?
Allergies are very common in dogs. We see at least several appointments a day about them.
What are the symptoms of allergies in dogs?
Dogs, just like humans, could have a little bit of sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, but a lot of times you're going to notice that they're chewing at their feet or licking or scratching all over.
What is a contact allergy in dogs?
A contact allergy is when they've lain on something or sat on something that's very irritating to their skin.
How can you tell if my dog has a food allergy?
A lot of times if we think that a dog has a food allergy, we're going to try a food trial by taking them off all of the main proteins and putting them on a specific diet such as ZD or Royal Canin's hypoallergenic profile or even Purina's hypoallergenic.
Do dogs suffer from seasonal allergies?
Dogs can suffer from seasonal allergies. It's a little bit more difficult here in Florida since we don't have as many seasonal changes.
How are allergies in dogs different from humans' allergies?
A lot more times we'll see a lot more skin irritation in dog allergies versus in humans, where it affects your upper respiratory system.
Dog Allergies - FAQs 2
Dr. Amanda German
Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital
How will a veterinarian test my dog for allergies?
We're just looking at their skin. We might do some skin scraping, cytology to examine everything, and if we really suspect allergies, we may even refer you to a dermatologist.
How soon will I get the dog allergy test results?
Most of the time, we try to do the tests in the clinic. However, if you're going to a dermatologist, it could take a few weeks, depending on what they're doing.
What are the common treatments for dog allergies?
We often use antihistamines, but we also sometimes prescribe drugs such as Aboquil, Cytopoint, or even Prednisone.
How are flea and insect bites on my dog treated?
The treatment varies. If your dog has severe allergies to them, we may have to use something like Prednisone. Otherwise, we'll definitely recommend some shampoos to soothe the skin and ensure they're on a good flea and tick medication.
What medications are safe for dogs with allergies?
We frequently use Aboquil and Cytopoint, but antihistamines are generally your safest bet.
Can I give my dog Benadryl for allergies?
Yes, you certainly can. We usually recommend about one milligram per pound.
Are there any holistic options for dog allergies?
There might be some, but we don't typically recommend them at this time.
Is there anything I need to do in my home environment for my dog's allergies?
Try to keep your home as clean as possible to decrease the amount of dust and pollens that are present.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (407) 896-0941, or you can email us at But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram